The Big Thompson Canyon Road

One Lane Wagon Road “the Narrows”
1904 W.A. Riley

This very popular route to living and travel destination, has had many setbacks and peoples ingenuity influence in what we see today. 

Here is just some main points in its History.

Before Hwy 34 was officially constructed back in 1938, “the narrows” of Big Thompson Canyon were only passable using a one-way track.

The Building of the Original Big Thompson Canyon Road using Horse & Carriage
1904 Big Thompson Canyon

In 1906 a Contractor, by the name of W.A. Riley, won the bid to have a road that could go from Loveland CO, through the Canyon and connect to Estes Park. , The Gateway to the Rocky Mountain National Park.

There was much controversy in getting this “Riley Road” completed but indeed it did, many years later.

The “Stanley Steamer” would “bus” in folks from town and take them to Estes Park via Riley Road.

The inventor of this incredible Automobile would also build the now notorious “Stanley Hotel”.

Known famously for the setting of Stephen Kings “The Shining”.

1938 Big Thompson Canyon Road
1938 Canyon Road
1937 Big Thompson Canyon Road
1937 Canyon Road
2010 Satellite Imaging of the Canyon
2015 Floodway River Shift
1909 Estes Park Road Labeled in an Early Subdivision in Big Thompson Canyon

There are very few Documents available, on the road prior to 1910.

We did locate 2 documents, that name this now HWY 34 as

Estes Park Road.

Though there seems to be no mention of this in Historical Documents, that we know of.